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The reading lightbulb - SOLC Day 14

We all have those students who need extra help year after year. Sometimes it seems like it take forever for THE lightbulb - that life changing lightbulb that illuminates that reading identity that was always there, hidden in the shadows - to light up. But when it does, my God is it amazing!

My district has closed for COVID-19, but I was the luckiest teacher in the world to witness this moment for a second grade student exactly 2.5 hours before dismissal yesterday.

“Mrs. Needle,” he said. “I have a question.”

I smiled. “What are you wondering about?” I answered.

“Why does the word ‘have’ have an E at the end? It doesn’t make the long sound.”

My smile grew exponentially. Wow! I thought. This kiddo not only noticed a word pattern totally unprompted, but also 1) noticed a word that deviated from the pattern and 2) remembered his wondering until I came to pick him up for intervention.

“K,” I said. “I’m so proud that you noticed that! What a smart question to ask!” I took out my whiteboard tablet and wrote the words “have,” “love,” and “give.” We talked about what the words look like and sound like, and how in English (his native language is Urdu), words don’t end with the letter V. We talked about how most words follow the rules, and how even the rule-breaker words still follow their own sort of rule. Then he said the best thing ever:

“English is crazy!”

I love this job, and will miss my darlings during this anxious time. I hope that lightbulb stays on for little K.


  1. What a great way to think about it...hoping that their lightbulbs stay on. And that someone notices it while they are away from us.

  2. I love the moment your writing captures here. When you next have a chance to spend time with K, give him an elbow bump from me :)

  3. This is the part that scares me for when we come back - how to make sure those lightbulbs stay on!

  4. Glad that K headed home with his learning acknowledged and reinforced. You’ve given him a good chance the lightbulb will stay on. Just trust there will be more lightbulb moments when we all get back to school.

  5. And so do I! You are right! I'm so glad you were able to leave with that moment etched in your heart! Kudos Teach!

  6. What a gift to have this lightbulb moment before closing school.


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